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Verfasst: Samstag 25. September 2004, 23:24
von teshic
this is great page, but my german is not so good, so is there any way to change this page to english, or something...
If you know some site like this on english, tell me please, because i've tried to play your scenarios, but it's so hard whithout dictionary.


Verfasst: Samstag 25. September 2004, 23:39
von Makaveli
Well, what do you mean with "change this page to english"? I don't think that the German users -who are the majority on this page- would like to have an English forum.
Anyway, there is a good AoE-page on (I even think that a few German players published their campaigns also in an English version).



Verfasst: Sonntag 26. September 2004, 12:34
von David
There are a lot of english scenarios and campaigns at the main american Age of Empires II homepage , they also have a big talking board there. But such a little, fine page like the agearena is one,they don't have there, I think. ;)


Verfasst: Dienstag 28. September 2004, 21:22
von teshic
Thanks for all your help, this site "heaven games" is the best!
Anyway, I'm from Yugoslavia (Serbia & Montenegro), and in my country there is no site like this yours, probably because there's no enought players to establish it.


Verfasst: Mittwoch 29. September 2004, 14:17
von David
No Prob. Hey, interesting country where you live in. I just had the thaught that I don't know anything about the history of your country in the Middle Age. I noticed that there are no scenarios from AoK which are themed in Serbia or Yugoslavia. What was going on in the Middle Age there - can you tell us?


Verfasst: Mittwoch 29. September 2004, 14:44
von Björn_Jernside
i know that some turkish bases there was destructed by the austrien army after the fourth turish war
(see contest)


Verfasst: Donnerstag 30. September 2004, 16:26
von Emperor
Some of us send English versions of their scenarios to heavengames (aMa, X-King, David, Tlaloc, me (forgot anyone?)).

Some friends of mine are from Bosnia, by the way. ;)


Verfasst: Sonntag 3. Oktober 2004, 23:12
von teshic
Well, in XIII century, the Turks started invading Balkan. First one attacked was Byzantine, and after fall of Constantinopole, Serbia was second problem on their invade...
The great battle "Battle of Kosovo" took place at ''Kosovo field" at 28.june 1389. That was the main battle which was fatal for Serbian army, because it was said:

"Who don't go to Kosovo field,
shouldn't have childrens ever again,
his fields should never grow,
and should be dammned to the rest of his life!


So, even outnumbered, Serbian army showed high morale and courage. The grat hero of that battle was Milos Obrenovic, young nobleman who came to the Ottoman sultan, Murat II, and cut open his stomach whith his dagger hidden under belt.
This battle was won by Turks, but many old man still beleve that the victory was ours! After this battle, Turks came north, and after capturing Smederevo (one of our's fortress south of Belgrade) in 1459., Serbia came under direct Ottoman rule.
Anyway, whith so little male persons in country, only resistanse to the Turks was small sporadic fighting by the "robbers, brigands, highwaymans" (in our country they were called HAJDUK, HAJDUCI),.
So, we were 4 centuries under The Turks, (exact 345 years of subjugation) until great hero Djordje Petrovic, well known as Karadjordje, reunited Serbs and in 1804. raised an rebellion in the center of the Sebia, and that revolt lasted nine years, till Ottomans gained control again. Two years later, in 1913, secon great hero Milos Obrenovic, (borned in my neighbourhod), led a secon revolt and within a few months Serbia was free again!
After this ages came castle age.... :)
This is enough, second age is war with Austro-Hungaria....
some another time...
oh yeah then comes the war with YOU!!!

All this written by Djordje Tesic


Verfasst: Montag 4. Oktober 2004, 20:15
von Emperor
I believe there was a movie about that battle ... I'd liked to watch it..


Verfasst: Mittwoch 6. Oktober 2004, 15:27
von teshic
Well, there is one film, but I'm not so proud on it. :mad:Actually, it was made in political purpose on anniversary in 1989, ofcourse by Comunist goverment with Slobodan Milosevic in the front.
There was only 50-100 actors, and they were acting in addidas shoes, and wearing swatch swaches!?!? In one scene, there is a heap of empty tins, and in other even a helicopter flying over field.
once I've tried to make an scenario about that battle, but there is no Civilizaton close to the BRAVE SERBS (maybe Byzantines, or Goths...?)
:mad: :mad:


Verfasst: Mittwoch 6. Oktober 2004, 16:59
von Makaveli
and in other even a helicopter flying over field.
once I've tried to make an scenario about that battle, but there is no Civilizaton close to the BRAVE SERBS (maybe Byzantines, or Goths...?)
:mad: :mad:
Yeah, I would also say that the Goths fit best to the Serbs... I wouldn't take the Byzantines, because they are too oriental for the Serbs


Verfasst: Mittwoch 6. Oktober 2004, 18:19
von Emperor
Well, there is one film, but I'm not so proud on it. :mad:Actually, it was made in political purpose on anniversary in 1989, ofcourse by Comunist goverment with Slobodan Milosevic in the front.
There was only 50-100 actors, and they were acting in addidas shoes, and wearing swatch swaches!?!? In one scene, there is a heap of empty tins, and in other even a helicopter flying over field.
Oh, well I see..
once I've tried to make an scenario about that battle, but there is no Civilizaton close to the BRAVE SERBS (maybe Byzantines, or Goths...?)
I do not really understand either why ES did not include some Slavic nations into the game. They do even occur during the ES-campaigns! (Barbarossa and Genghis Khan later)
The goths seem to have the most neutral design, so I'd take them as well for Slavs.


Verfasst: Mittwoch 6. Oktober 2004, 18:40
von Makaveli
Well, the Goths were originally a Germanic people, but later they divided themselve in Vissi-Goths and Ostro-Goths. The Ostro-Goths, who lived on the Balkan for very long time, mixed from time to time with the Slavs so that they became -more or less- also Slavs.

But I'm the same opinion of Emperor. ES should have include some Slav-people in the game.


Verfasst: Mittwoch 6. Oktober 2004, 21:26
von teshic
Well, that's the looby, and political reasons....
Never mind maybe next time..(AoE III)
how does your sisscusion about AoE III is going in forum, translate it to me :rolleyes:


Verfasst: Donnerstag 7. Oktober 2004, 14:00
von David
Hm, dont't think that ES will create Slavia as a nation in AoE III. I fear that we have to play again a campaign about Corea. Some RTS-games like Empires: Dawn of the modern world or EE II make especially a corean campaign because they think that the game will be more-selled in South-Corea. Interesting for the people who live there but uninteresting for the rest of the world...:D


Verfasst: Sonntag 10. Oktober 2004, 12:00
von Emperor
Right, and they said that they've included a campaign about Barbarossa only for the reason that AoE1 had been bought a lot in Germany and they expected the same with AoK.
Shrewed capitalist bastards. ;):D